Once upon a time there was a queen, when she died she cursed her descendants. She cursed them with two curses, one where their hair would grow and grow, never being able to be cut. The other is of the 'Killing Goods', if her descendant is killed by those who wield the 'Killing Goods' the killer would be granted a wish. So the 'Hair Queen Games' began.
The anime/manga this site's plot is baised off of,The Severing Crime Edge, belongs to Tatsuhiko Hikagi and their production company. The posts belong to their writers. The images belong to their creators. The skin belongs to it's creator. I, Feather, only put the plot of the amine/manga into my own words and changed very little of anything else. I added these boards to the skin and changed the banner that's it. I claim nothing.
Amity Chaos (a MATURE roleplay site)
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